#KevinZadai #5Hour #JesusVisitation #watchers #prophecy
5 Hours Revelation with Jesus – Kevin Zadai and Sid Roth on the Times and Seasons
August 16th 2020

5 Hours Revelation with Jesus – Kevin Zadai and Sid Roth on the Times and Seasons
Brethren, Kevin Zadai shares the revelation received from Jesus concerning the times published 5 days ago. Some of the information Kevin Zadai received are consistent with what the Lord had shown us in the waiting season. Watch, take note and be blessed.
It is a full one hour, six minutes interview compressed with *Sid Roth.* You will be blessed but more importantly, it is not just about knowing what to expect but our position in God and what we need to be doing at this time is instructive for every discerning Christian as we receive from the Watchers the Lord has placed in His body for this time….
Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
e-discipleship @ Otakada.org