Having read three books now by Amanda Dykes, it is clear that this author possesses a divinely-bestowed talent with words. Rarely have I read such poetic writing in a novel. “All the Lost Places” brings readers this signature writing style in a very unique setting, one that I don’t believe I have ever seen before in a novel – Venice, and in two different time periods.
“All the Lost Places” is not only a dual-time novel, it is also a “book within a book” so to speak. As our characters in the 1900s search for the missing ending of a rare Venetian book, we the readers have already dove into that story of the 1800s, giving us the dual-time tale.
Needless to say, there are many layers of story to “All the Lost Places”. There is the story of the 1900s, the story of the 1800s, and also the text of the rare Venetian book that the plot revolves around. Attention is needed to follow all the ins and outs of the story, but readers will love the many layers of “All the Lost Places.” And I must say, I did NOT see one huge plot-twist coming. Looking back, I can see the foreshadowing, but this particular revealing of one character’s true identity came as a total surprise to me. Kudos to the storyteller for that one!
“All the Lost Places” is the sort of book to be read slowly and savoured. Read in bits small enough to mull over piece by piece, “All The Lost Places” will bring healing to your heart and wings to your imagination.
“Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.”