Word of Prophecy and Prayer Over Nigeria today the 22nd Day of October 2020

Brethren, I see a new nation of Nigeria arising out of the ashes from North to South, from East to West. I see high profile resignations in the pipeline, I see revival breaking forth at the end of this dark tunnel.
Be encouraged brethren, God’s finger is upon the land. These are divinely orchestrated disruptions so that our hearts can return back to Him in full obedience. God does not bring revival in comfort zones.
He uses the instrumentality of the adversary to achieve His aims just like He used Satan in the crucifixion of Jesus to deliver mankind or the wicked kings of old to deliver the children of Israel from their idols. He is doing the same in our land. The time is indeed ripe.
These are answers to prayers for revival brethren. Watch out and see the salvation of the Lord in this land and indeed the whole world.
Call forth His kingdom and His righteousness over all spheres and allow Him to move in ways beyond comprehension using Matthew 6:10
Get ready for a major harvest of souls in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Bro Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe
E-discipleship at otakada.org