
22 Universal Laws of Creativity in ebook by Solomon Adesanya, Otakada.org


22 Universal Laws of Creativity in ebook by Solomon Adesanya

by Solomon Adesanya, Otakada.org

The earth is not a product of a big bang, but a product of a big plan by a big CREATOR.

God made the heavens and the earth and everything in it. He organized everything so perfectly that even a blind man would recognize the hand of a super being in the creation of everything we see; the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the rainbow, the oceans, mountains, trees, birds, beast and of course mankind.

The first attribute of God recorded in the bible was his creative ability.

In the beginning God created… (Gen 1:1)

This being (God) must be so detailed and infinitely creative. He came from nothing, yet he created something out of nothing, and he hung what he created on nothing!

He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing (Job 26:7 NKJV).

This being must be supreme, his creativity is immeasurable, and his Ingenuity is matchless.

After all He made, He made mankind to be like him and function like him

Then God said “and now, we will make human beings, they will be like us and resemble us (Gen 1:26 TEV)

You and I resemble God, we are like him. In other words, if God is creative, we are also creative. If God needed to make use of his creativity to birth his dream, you and I would need to make use of the creative ability he deposited in each of us to birth our dreams; to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Creativity is therefore a vital tool in the journey of success.



22 Universal Laws of Creativity in ebook by Solomon Adesanya

by Solomon Adesanya, Otakada.org

The earth is not a product of a big bang, but a product of a big plan by a big CREATOR.

God made the heavens and the earth and everything in it. He organized everything so perfectly that even a blind man would recognize the hand of a super being in the creation of everything we see; the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the rainbow, the oceans, mountains, trees, birds, beast and of course mankind.

The first attribute of God recorded in the bible was his creative ability.

In the beginning God created… (Gen 1:1)

This being (God) must be so detailed and infinitely creative. He came from nothing, yet he created something out of nothing, and he hung what he created on nothing!

He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing (Job 26:7 NKJV).

This being must be supreme, his creativity is immeasurable, and his Ingenuity is matchless.

After all He made, He made mankind to be like him and function like him

Then God said “and now, we will make human beings, they will be like us and resemble us (Gen 1:26 TEV)

You and I resemble God, we are like him. In other words, if God is creative, we are also creative. If God needed to make use of his creativity to birth his dream, you and I would need to make use of the creative ability he deposited in each of us to birth our dreams; to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Creativity is therefore a vital tool in the journey of success.


Creativity simply means the ability to create [CREATIVITY = CREATE + ABILITY]

Creativity is the ability to use the imagination to develop new and original ideas or things, especially in the artistic context [dictionary]

  • It is looking at the same thing in a different way to see new concepts.
  • It is important to note that all men are creative (including women). But creativity is in levels. Therefore the measure or degree of your creativity is called your CREATIVE QUOTIENT.

In this practical and interactive book, we would be looking at 22 scriptural and universal laws of creativity. Each law is important; each law links you to the next. Utilize these laws regularly and you will become the best and most productive you, you could ever be.

“Behind every successful story is a creative process and person”

In this practical and interactive book, we would be looking at 23 scriptural and universal laws of creativity. Each law
is important; each law links you to the next. Utilize these laws regularly and you will become the best and most productive you, you could ever be.


Adesanya Solomon

wisdom for living, wisdom of God, wisdom of solomon, inspirational, motivational, theory of creativity, creativity


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