
Greater Exploits 14 MYSTERIOUS SECRETS and Strategies OF THE Dark KINGDOM on Seven (7) Continents with Deployable Countermeasures in the Place of Prayer and Prophetic Actions – You are Born for This – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – Equipping Series


BY Rony Chaves; Ana Mendez-ferrell; C. Peter Wagner; John D. Robb; J.P Timmons; Cindy Jacobs; Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

Greater Exploits 14 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 13 with more details, focusing on MYSTERIOUS SECRETS and Strategies OF THE Dark KINGDOM on Seven (7) Continents with Deployable Countermeasures in the Place of Prayer and Prophetic Actions by Rony Chaves, Dr. C. Peter Wagner , Cindy Jacobs.John D. Robb, Ana Mendez-Ferrell, J.P. TIMMONS and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe, these Servants of the Lord have been used mightily in these times across the seven continents deploying biblical strategies in contending with the forces of darkness – This is an equipping series for the body of Christ.

The Dark Kingdom: – We see the fruits of the works of the dark kingdom around us every day and everywhere we go. We can see and experience them by observing world events today across the seven continents as follows:

1) Eroding of the family Structure as ordained by God.

2) Corruption and Poverty on a global scale.

3) Bad Governance, Bad Policies, and Enacting of Oppressive laws.

4) Exaltation of individualism and destruction of community life as we know it.

5) Ritual killings everywhere.

6) Human trafficking, global sexual trade and pornographic explosion on the global scale.

7) The Unreached people groups keeps expanding both within and outside the Church.

8) Wars and Rumours of Wars on a global scale: –

Such as the ongoing wars around the world in – Political arena, Media, Economic wars; Actual ongoing battles on the battlefields around the world like the silent wars between Turkey and Greece; Wars between Turkey and Syrian rebels; Syrian unending civil wars; wars with terrorist organization like ISIS and all the breakaway factions around the world; the war between Russia and Ukraine; The war between Israel and Palestine and proxy war between Israel and Iran; Wars in African nations like Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroun against the Islamic state terrorist groups; the war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen; silent war between Taiwan and China; silent war between Serbia and Croatia and whole lot more.

Jesus Christ made it clear to us that as we race towards His return and the end of age, the intensity of these onslaughts will continue – Matthew 24:1-

Our Response:

Despite the fruit of wickedness experienced around our world, Jesus Christ still expects us to occupy till He comes (Luke 19:13) in the seven (7) realms – Government; Business and Economy; Art, Entertainment and Culture; Media – Radio, Television and Internet; Education; Family; Spirituality, Belief and Faith.



BY Rony Chaves; Ana Mendez-ferrell; C. Peter Wagner; John D. Robb; J.P Timmons; Cindy Jacobs; Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe

Greater Exploits 14 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 13 with more details, focusing on MYSTERIOUS SECRETS and Strategies OF THE Dark KINGDOM on Seven (7) Continents with Deployable Countermeasures in the Place of Prayer and Prophetic Actions by Rony Chaves, Dr. C. Peter Wagner , Cindy Jacobs.John D. Robb, Ana Mendez-Ferrell, J.P. TIMMONS and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe, these Servants of the Lord have been used mightily in these times across the seven continents deploying biblical strategies in contending with the forces of darkness – This is an equipping series for the body of Christ.

The Dark Kingdom: – We see the fruits of the works of the dark kingdom around us every day and everywhere we go. We can see and experience them by observing world events today across the seven continents as follows:

1) Eroding of the family Structure as ordained by God.

2) Corruption and Poverty on a global scale.

3) Bad Governance, Bad Policies, and Enacting of Oppressive laws.

4) Exaltation of individualism and destruction of community life as we know it.

5) Ritual killings everywhere.

6) Human trafficking, global sexual trade and pornographic explosion on the global scale.

7) The Unreached people groups keeps expanding both within and outside the Church.

8) Wars and Rumours of Wars on a global scale: –

Such as the ongoing wars around the world in – Political arena, Media, Economic wars; Actual ongoing battles on the battlefields around the world like the silent wars between Turkey and Greece; Wars between Turkey and Syrian rebels; Syrian unending civil wars; wars with terrorist organization like ISIS and all the breakaway factions around the world; the war between Russia and Ukraine; The war between Israel and Palestine and proxy war between Israel and Iran; Wars in African nations like Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroun against the Islamic state terrorist groups; the war between Saudi Arabia and Yemen; silent war between Taiwan and China; silent war between Serbia and Croatia and whole lot more.

Jesus Christ made it clear to us that as we race towards His return and the end of age, the intensity of these onslaughts will continue – Matthew 24:1-

Our Response:

Despite the fruit of wickedness experienced around our world, Jesus Christ still expects us to occupy till He comes (Luke 19:13) in the seven (7) realms – Government; Business and Economy; Art, Entertainment and Culture; Media – Radio, Television and Internet; Education; Family; Spirituality, Belief and Faith.

How are we doing in occupying till He comes? We are doing little too late but majorly doing nothing – The body of Christ have relegated the study and confrontation with the darkness kingdom to a select few claiming that if we leave the devil alone, the devil will leave us alone. It is mirage and a great deception of all ages in its content and intent. To be able to carry out effectively the assignment of winning souls for the kingdom of God, and calling forth God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, there will be contention and confrontation with these evil forces in the dark kingdom whether we acknowledge this or not.

We are told that Jesus’s ministry – why He came was this –

1 John 3:8

American Standard Version
8 he that doeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. To this end was the Son of God manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

This is the reason we have brought you this book to you, so that you can gain experiences from some of the selected few to empower you to do strategic warfare in the heavenlies as God intended it to be with earthly manifestation. The fivefold ministry in Ephesians 4 has the sole function of equipping the saints for the work of ministry. The saints are not to warm the pews and do nothing. The saints are to be equipped from those who have gained experience engaging the wicked one so that each saint can go out and do likewise.

So, get your notepad ready for actionable steps as you learn from those whom God has trained in the frontlines with the dark kingdom for such a time as this on seven continents.

Greater Exploits 14 (1-3) and other series of the same book are for you delivered on “diamond platter” if you say yes to any of the following questions:

– Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?

– Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?

– Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally,

psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?

– Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?

– Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied

your prayers and prayers of others?

– Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you

seem to have no answers to them all?

– Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?

– Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?

Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:

– Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.

– Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.

– Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are


– Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up

until the word of God becomes truth and life in your

circumstances and situation.

– Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no


– Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you

and others.

– Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you

RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.

So, let’s dive into Greater Exploits 14 – MYSTERIOUS SECRETS and Strategies OF THE Dark KINGDOM on Seven (7) Continents with Deployable Countermeasures in the Place of Prayer and Prophetic Actions by Rony Chaves, Dr. C. Peter Wagner , Cindy Jacobs.John D. Robb, Ana Mendez-Ferrell, J.P. TIMMONS and Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe, these Servants of the Lord have been used mightily in these times across the seven continents deploying biblical strategies in contending with the forces of darkness – This is an equipping series for the body of Christ.

– You are Born for This – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration Equipping Series to launch you into the present and the future in greater exploits for our God in all realms with hundreds (100s) of true stories and testimonies from the frontlines for your learning and application in Jesus name, Amen



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