
Greater Exploits 2 Paperback Edition – John G. Lake – Smith Wigglesworth – Lester Symrall – Kenneth E. Hagin – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – You are Born for This


Greater Exploits 2
You are Born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – Find out How from the Greats – About the book

Greater Exploits 2 is a continuation of Greater Exploits with more details, focusing on four (4) saints the Lord used mightily within the last 100 years namely – John G. Lakes, Smith Wigglesworth, Lester Symrall and Kenneth E. Hagin.

Greater Exploits 2 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on a platter of diamond if you say yes to any of the following questions:

– Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?
– Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?
– Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?
– Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?
– Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?
– Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?
– Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?
– Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?

Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:

– Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.
– Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.
– Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.
– Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.
– Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.
– Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.
– Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.

Our guiding contract scriptures are in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12

The Passion Translation
12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!

So, let’s dive into Greater Exploits 2 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – With over 50 testimonies to motivate you



Greater Exploits 2 Paperback
You are Born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – Find out How from the Greats – About the book

Greater Exploits 2 is a continuation of Greater Exploits with more details, focusing on four (4) saints the Lord used mightily within the last 100 years namely – John G. Lakes, Smith Wigglesworth, Lester Symrall and Kenneth E. Hagin.

Greater Exploits 2 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on a platter of diamond if you say yes to any of the following questions:

– Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?
– Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?
– Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?
– Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?
– Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?
– Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?
– Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?
– Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?

Then come along with me with seven (7) critical conditions as follows:

– Be AVAILABLE (spirit, soul and body) to partner with God.
– Be BOLD to lay claim to all He has died to give you.
– Be COMPASSIONATE enough to sit where people are hurting.
– Be DETERMINED to keep going and never, ever give up until the word of God becomes truth and life in your circumstances and situation.
– Be EARNESTLY in LOVE with God and people with no restraint.
– Be FIERY in ANGER with Satan for stealing from you and others.
– Be in GREAT HUNGER to pursue God until you RECOVER ALL and manifest Him to yourself and others.

Our guiding contract scriptures are in Mark 16:15-20 and John 14:12

The Passion Translation
12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!

So, let’s dive into Greater Exploits 2 – You are born for this – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – With over 50 testimonies to motivate you

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