
Responses to the word by Raphael Awoseyin in epub


Responses to the word by Raphael Awoseyin in epub

What we usually title The Parable of the Sower could also be titled The Parable of the Seeds – and we prefer this title for the purpose of this study because we are focusing on the Word – the seed. It is implicit in the parable that there was no difference in the quality of seeds that fell into different places.

The only difference was in the reception of the seeds – what happened to what was heard. Our response to what we hear makes the difference between salvation and damnation. If you came to know Christ through a message preached to a gathering of people, it is most probable that there were people in the same gathering who needed to be saved but who did not respond to the Gospel the way you did. Why did you respond and they did not? Read Hebrews 4:2 and Ephesians 2:8-9.




Responses to the word by Raphael Awoseyin in epub

What we usually title The Parable of the Sower could also be titled The Parable of the Seeds – and we prefer this title for the purpose of this study because we are focusing on the Word – the seed. It is implicit in the parable that there was no difference in the quality of seeds that fell into different places.

The only difference was in the reception of the seeds – what happened to what was heard. Our response to what we hear makes the difference between salvation and damnation. If you came to know Christ through a message preached to a gathering of people, it is most probable that there were people in the same gathering who needed to be saved but who did not respond to the Gospel the way you did. Why did you respond and they did not? Read Hebrews 4:2 and Ephesians 2:8-9.






Raphael Awoseyin

Wisdom for Living – Revised Edition 2019 by Raphael Awoseyin in epub


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