The British Colonial Legacy in Northern Nigeria A Social Ethical Analysis of the Colonial and Post-Colonial Society and Politics in Nigeria – Revised Edition 2019 by Pro Yusufu Turaki in epub
Yusufu Turaki Foundation and Publishing
The British Colonial Legacy in Northern Nigeria
A Social Ethical Analysis of the Colonial and Post-Colonial Society and Politics in Nigeria.
Revised Edition 2019
About the book
The British Colonial Legacy in Northern Nigeria A Social Ethical Analysis of the Colonial and Post-Colonial Society and Politics in Nigeria – Revised Edition 2019 by Pro Yusufu Turaki in epub – A highly respected Christian leader and social philosopher, Dr. Yusufu Turaki, has in this Book, provided a brilliant anatomy and analysis of Colonial Legacy in post-colonial Nigeria. It is a “must read” book not only to academic readership but also to policy makers and the clergy as well. For, this great work, from the heart of a social ethicist and theologian, has eloquently utilized great insights from many scholars and disciplines analysing Nigeria’s socio-political and moral predicaments.
In summary, the author clearly asserts that (1) It is not possible for us to have proper grasp of the nature of political events, trends and patterns in Nigeria today without understanding her colonial legacies, (2) it is not possible for us to solve contemporary socio-political problems in Nigeria without correcting the inherited colonial structures and redressing the injustices generated by these colonial legacies of post-colonial Nigeria. We must do so by using the principles of Justice, Equality, Freedom and Equity in socio-political relationships and in the distribution of resources for the benefit of all.
Yusufu Turaki is a Professor of Theology and Social Ethics. He teaches Theology and Social Ethics at the Jos ECWA Theological Seminary (JETS) since 1980. He studied Theology at Igbaja Theological Seminary, Nigeria (Th.B.); Theology and Ethics at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, USA (MATS); and Social Ethics at Boston University, USA (Ph.D.). He was a Research Scholar with the Research Enablement Program sponsored by the PEW Charitable Trusts and administered by the Overseas Ministry Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut, USA and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at Yale Divinity School, Yale University, USA. He is currently the Regional Director of the International Bible Society Nigeria. He is married to Deborah and they have four children: Nyela, Yimi, Iyakachi and Ladi.
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