Dear fellow believer in Christ, how has it been with you? How far are you progressing in your spiritual life, which is your journey to the wealthy place? Some have even forgotten that they are on a journey, that their Christian life is a journey. Yes, it is a journey, for it has a starting point and a destination as well.
So, how are you getting on in your journey to the wealthy place? To the place of abundant life in Christ.
Has it been hectic and dreary? Have things turned upside down beyond every human control? Do you feel like giving up your Christian faith? Are you frustrated already? Remember, you are on a journey!
A passenger in transit does not stop midway on his journey nor cease to move on his journey simply because the roads are bad or because it is raining or for whatever reasons. The person is determined to get to his destination and to fulfill whatever obligation or assignment he has to accomplish, no matter the pains, difficulties and uncomfortable experiences he might have on the way.
Naturally, we deem it fit to overlook, or rather, endure with great hope when for instance our promotion in the office is delayed. We join the queue when there is much traffic, for we can’t fly over it. In the hospitals, we wait patiently for the doctor to diagnose us very well and proper medications given.
Now, why is it that we refuse to endure afflictions, persecutions, trials, chastisement and of course hard times, with great hope too, when it comes to our Christian journey? This is more especially when we know that these things are allowed by God for our ultimate maturity. This is food for thought. He that has ears should listen to what the Spirit of God is saying.
The truth is that we all want the accomplishment of God’s promises in our lives but refrain from the sacrifices required! For instance, how would you explain this – you are asking and believing God for material blessings and all of a sudden you receive a letter from your director in the office saying that you have been fired! What a paradox! Isn’t it? It does not look like what a good God will permit to befall His child, one may say. But then, on our journey to the wealthy land, such instruments of purging (afflictions, disappointments, trials, etc.) are bound to come. They are “necessary evils” that the Holy Spirit takes a believer through, to season and prove him or her, so as to make them ready for the Master’s use.
Brethren, as we are on this journey into the wealthy place, distractions are bound to come. Many things come our way to take us away from God. Some of these distractions are caused by ourselves and some are allowed by God to test the level of our commitment and intimacy with Him.
So, anyone on this journey should expect distractions, by way of temptations, pressures, adverse circumstances, etc. to come his way. It is normal for such things to come, to test our resolve for the Lord and for the journey. Whichever way it comes, we should hold onto the faith we have in Christ; so that despite all odds, all contrary situations and circumstances, we should continue in total obedience to God’s will. That is how to be successful in this journey – holding on to God’s will at all times.
The Lord told me this;
“The best way out of distractions, the only way to overcome them is to keep focused on Him and move forward with Him”.
To overcome distractions, we should get lost in what God is working out in our lives, forget about circumstances and distractions and keep looking unto Him. The more connected and more concentrated we get into God’s own will and ways, the less of distractions we see.
What Fare Do We Pay?
The token fare to pay on this journey is total obedience, total yieldedness and absolute submission to the will of God.
This is the little bit we are required to pay. The truth is that the real price to cover our journey from our present positions to the position where God wants us to be, has been paid by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary.
I think the only aspect left for us is to align our own will and plans to that of God, follow Him patiently and watch Him do what He knows how to do best, which is to beautify and perfect our lives.
As we keep walking with the Lord in obedience, we are simply telling Him that we accept and appreciate Him for the finished work which He did on the cross for us.
Don’t Join Mid-Way Believers
There is this popular song I know, which says:
Until I see Jesus, Until I see my Lord
I will never never stop my journey half way.
Halleluyah until I see Jesus.
This song is easier sung than done! In our sober moments, we sing and promise God of our everlasting love for Him, how we would follow Him till the end of our lives. Ironically, we forget so soon when problems come our way! We often end up lamenting ‘but why me, oh God!’ Brethren, no one should claim to have attained it, when he has not got to his final destination. Therefore it is very dangerous to stop-over for whatever reason, on this journey to the wealthy place.
When we stop midway our visions are lost, our garments are defiled and our faith is compromised.
Abraham stopped midway in Haran. He dwelt, relaxed and tried to establish there, but there was not the promised land! And because it was not the land of promise, there was no total fulfilment of the promises for him there.
God’s promises are not fully fulfilled when the journey is still halfway. The crown of glory is for the overcomers who get to the end of their journey. No athlete, no matter how popular he is, wins a trophy for stopping a race midway. The trophy remains for only those who have run the race well and have completed their course.
The Israelites also stopped midway at Shittim. They complained, compromised and murmured against God and they died in their thousands. (Numbers 25: 1- 9). It is dangerous to embark on a journey unaccomplished!
Is Your Journey Rough Or Smooth?
A journey could either be rough or smooth or even both. No matter the road on which you are plying the best thing is to allow God to take you through it. He is the Alpha and Omega, so allow Him to initiate the journey and accomplish it as well. All you need to do is to yield completely to His leading.
We have the choice of either following the way of God’s will or the way of self-will. God’s will involves total submission and yieldedness while self-will entails self-seeking and man-made easy ways.
So, which road have you decided to take to your destination today, God’s will or self-will?
I must advise that if you have decided to go God’s way, and knowing fully well that He is in control of the journey and not you, then you should never complain.
The Israelites committed their greatest sin when they complained and murmured against God. They opted to go back to Egypt (a place of bondage where they were delivered from) to continue in temporal ‘pleasure’ rather than enduring to have the full manifestation of the promises of God.
No wonder God gave them over to a reprobate mind and sent leanness to their soul. God inspired the recording of these things in the Bible to reprove and correct us.
“Now all these things happened unto them for our ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:11-12).
I observe that there is much desperation all over the world these last days. Everybody is desperate to fulfill his “dreams”, and nobody, or rather very few, care to seek the author of visions Himself, for a perfect fulfillment!
Many believers think that God is too slow to work out ‘great miracles’ for them. Therefore, they resort to human wisdom and worldly ways of solving their problems; blaming God for their impatience.
The word of God emphatically stated in Matthew 16:26; “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
From experience, I have proved God and found Him faithful and timely too. He comes in at the nick of time – never late; never too early. He comes just at the right time!
The closer you draw to God, the better you will know Him and His ways. You cannot know Him from afar.
Decide today to take the right direction on your journey and resolve to make it to the end. The right direction is the direction of His will. Whether your way is rough or smooth, resolve to follow God’s will, and to obey His voice and you will surely make it.
Always bear in mind that at His own time, He makes all things beautiful.
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