
Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series – Volume 2. by By Dr. Ekaete I. Ettang


Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series – Volume 2. by By Dr. Ekaete I. Ettang

Title of this booklet is: UNDERSTANDING MY CREATIVE IDENTITY. It is the second in the Daughters of Sarah Ministry Eight (8) volume SPIRITUAL IDENTITY THEFT series, which begins with: INTRODUCING SPIRITUAL IDENTITY THEFT (Volume 1) and concludes with: THE NEED FOR TRAINING (VOLUME 8)

It is very important for every person to know, understand and operate within his/her God given identity, yet the matter of true identity is one of the most ignored and misunderstood among Christians today. So many are making choices based on their preferences or feelings instead of the truth as revealed in the Scriptures.Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series

Amid the confusion in the world today, it is clear that the Christians; especially Christian youths are targeted. Many are losing their spiritual identity in the market place and operating in the flesh just as the unbelieving youths. We must focus on knowing our identity in Christ and training others to boldly stand with the knowledge of this unshaken identity in Christ in order to resist the pressures to conform to the mould of the world. This



Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series – Volume 2. by By Dr. Ekaete I. Ettang

Title of this booklet is: UNDERSTANDING MY CREATIVE IDENTITY. It is the second in the Daughters of Sarah Ministry Eight (8) volume SPIRITUAL IDENTITY THEFT series, which begins with: INTRODUCING SPIRITUAL IDENTITY THEFT (Volume 1) and concludes with: THE NEED FOR TRAINING (VOLUME 8)

It is very important for every person to know, understand and operate within his/her God given identity, yet the matter of true identity is one of the most ignored and misunderstood among Christians today. So many are making choices based on their preferences or feelings instead of the truth as revealed in the Scriptures. Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series

Amid the confusion in the world today, it is clear that the Christians; especially Christian youths are targeted. Many are losing their spiritual identity in the market place and operating in the flesh just as the unbelieving youths. We must focus on knowing our identity in Christ and training others to boldly stand with the knowledge of this unshaken identity in Christ in order to resist the pressures to conform to the mould of the world. This is ‘True Empowerment’! The Church should be about the business of empowering the emerging leaders for the glory of God. In view of this, the Lord has brought out this work for a time like this. While this is still a work in progress, we sense the urgency to begin to release it in bits to edify the Church while trusting God to complete what He has started. What you have in your hand is one of these booklets and we encourage you to get and read the other booklets for your edification

God bless you.

Understanding Your Creative Identify Spiritual Identity Theft Series


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