Greater Exploits – 10
Perfect Plans – Take the GUESS work out of Your DECISION Making and Accomplish God’s PURPOSE with IMPACT!
You are Born for This – Healing, Deliverance and Restoration – Equipping Series
By Ambassador Monday O. Ogbe
Greater Exploits 10 is a continuation of Greater Exploits 9 with more details, focusing on Perfect Plans – Take the GUESS work out of Your DECISION Making and Accomplish God’s PURPOSE with IMPACT!!! This is an equipping series with Audio and video links
I like to start with a series of questions for your consideration:
How many of us sort God’s input concerning whom to marry?
What business venture to embark on?
What career to pursue? Where to live?
Where to fellowship?
Who should we take as our business or ministry partner?
To whom are we sent? Where is our mission field?
What message should we preach or teach this Sunday?
What are the specific details of our lives purposes?
And a host of other questions that time wouldn’t permit me to pencil down here.
Some of us did ask some of these questions but never got a response from God and so we plunge headlong and damned the consequences!
Some of us don’t even have a clue as to how to dialogue with God, or even contemplate asking questions.
Some of us have narrowed the DECISION from God to – YES, NO, and WAIT – like a programmed Robot for thinking out LOUD
Some of us have handed the sensitive communication with God to others, like in the old testament, not realizing that every child of God has an innate capacity to dialogue with God one-on-one if we are willing, ready and desirous to train our spiritual senses to pick up messages and send messages to our Father, who is willing and ready to engage us in conversation, anytime, anyplace, if we are willing, ready and desirous to follow through some basic protocols.
God has a perfect plan and purpose for each and every one of us that is precise, tailor made and generic to us like the uniqueness in our individual DNA.
Concerning your purpose and plans in God,
God is not a cloner.
God is not a duplicator.
God is as precise as precise can be.
God is so precise to the level of perfection without error.
In Greater Exploits 10, You will find out the Perfect Plans – Take the GUESS work out of Your DECISION Making and Accomplish God’s PURPOSE with IMPACT!
You will Secure Five (5) Testimonies of Perfect PLANS in scripture, seven (7) Steps to Perfect PLANS, and GETTING the NEXUS between Accomplishing Your PLANS with Perfect PURPOSE and RED HOT DESIRE! And True Story on How to Develop strong BURNING DESIRE for greater exploits!
Our guiding scripture is John 14:12
The Passion Translation
12 “I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do—even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father!
Greater Exploits 10 and other series of the same book are for you delivered on “diamond platter” if you say yes to any of the following questions:
- Are you sick and teared of Helplessness, Hopelessness and Worthlessness without any remedy at sight?
- Are you physically, emotionally and spiritually downcast?
- Are you up today and down tomorrow emotionally, psychologically and physiologically like a yoyo?
- Are you or anyone within your circle physically or emotionally sick, harassed, exploited and dispossessed of what rightfully belong to you or people within your circle?
- Is there any prolonged sickness or illness, or negative patterns of killing, stealing and destruction that has defied your prayers and prayers of others?
- Have you lost something or someone dare to you and you seem to have no answers to them all?
- Do you sense or perceive you are not in the center of Gods will and purpose for your life with complete emptiness in and around you?
- Are you hungry to be able to minister healing, deliverance and restoration in a powerful way to self and others?
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