








We have before now endeavoured to painstakingly teach over the times of the elementary knowledge of the foundational truth of The Secret Place of the Most High God (Holy Ghost School)

Teaching us what it is, where we can find it, how to enter in, how to maintain a continuous relationship with the Holy Spirit and what will be the benefits as we learn to understand all the above. While the training of the above tarried; God did not leave us without helping us with further insights into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God as in 1 Corintians 4:1-2 Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. As we are stewards of the mystery of The Holy Spirit, they were the stewards of the words of The LORD Jesus Christ.

Paul The Apostle speaks in an End time Book called The Final Quest of his work or epistles as not the foundational truths to build doctrine upon. That the words of Christ are the foundational truths worthy to lay as foundation for the building of the Living Church of Christ.

Let us hear what he said: In Final Quest by Rick Joyner page 133 last paragraph.

“I am sure,” he replied with utter conviction. “I so appreciate the grace of the LORD to use my letters as He has. But I am concerned with the way many of you are using them wrongly. They are the truth of the Holy Spirit, and they are Scripture. The LORD did give me great stones to set into the structure of His eternal church, but they are not foundation stones. The foundation stones were laid by Jesus, alone. My life and ministry are not the example of what you are called to be. Jesus alone is that. If what I have written is used as a foundation, it will not be able to hold the weight of that which needs to be built upon it. What I have written must be built upon the only Foundation that can withstand what you are about to endure; it must not be used as the foundation. You must see my teachings through The LORD’S teachings, not try to Understand Him from my perspective. His words are the foundation. I have only built upon them by elaborating on His words. The greatest wisdom, and the most powerful truth’s, are His words, not mine,”









We have before now endeavoured to painstakingly teach over the times of the elementary knowledge of the foundational truth of The Secret Place of the Most High God (Holy Ghost School) CONSOLIDATING HOLY GHOST SCHOOL

Teaching us what it is, where we can find it, how to enter in, how to maintain a continuous relationship with the Holy Spirit and what will be the benefits as we learn to understand all the above. While the training of the above tarried; God did not leave us without helping us with further insights into the mysteries of the Kingdom of God as in 1 Corintians 4:1-2 Let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. As we are stewards of the mystery of The Holy Spirit, they were the stewards of the words of The LORD Jesus Christ. CONSOLIDATING HOLY GHOST SCHOOL

Paul The Apostle speaks in an End time Book called The Final Quest of his work or epistles as not the foundational truths to build doctrine upon. That the words of Christ are the foundational truths worthy to lay as foundation for the building of the Living Church of Christ.

Let us hear what he said: In Final Quest by Rick Joyner page 133 last paragraph. CONSOLIDATING HOLY GHOST SCHOOL

“I am sure,” he replied with utter conviction. “I so appreciate the grace of the LORD to use my letters as He has. But I am concerned with the way many of you are using them wrongly. They are the truth of the Holy Spirit, and they are Scripture. The LORD did give me great stones to set into the structure of His eternal church, but they are not foundation stones. The foundation stones were laid by Jesus, alone. My life and ministry are not the example of what you are called to be. Jesus alone is that. If what I have written is used as a foundation, it will not be able to hold the weight of that which needs to be built upon it. What I have written must be built upon the only Foundation that can withstand what you are about to endure; it must not be used as the foundation. You must see my teachings through The LORD’S teachings, not try to Understand Him from my perspective. His words are the foundation. I have only built upon them by elaborating on His words. The greatest wisdom, and the most powerful truth’s, are His words, not mine,”

It becomes necessary to help us with solid building blocks upon which to pursue our relationship with The Three In One God.

As we read along, it will interest you to know that hearing from The Holy Spirit and following His Leadership is well rewarding. God bless you as you come along with us. CONSOLIDATING HOLY GHOST SCHOOL


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