The Present Global Crises – Paperback By Lambert Eze Okafor
Dear Reader, I am sure you are aware of the increasing commentaries by the experts, that our planet, earth, is in danger and that life on earth is itself severely threatened!
They point to the many unusual phenomena that are occurring all over the world these days, from increasing socio-political upheavals and growing economic distress to the environmental decadence and ecological disasters that are now ravaging the world. If unchecked, experts are saying, these strange happenings could bring about a sudden destruction of the earth itself as well as the life it supports! Life may come to an abrupt end, they are saying!
The issue of life on earth coming to an end some day is no longer a thing to be laughed at as being the imagination of the prophets of doom. Instead, most authentic scientific and empirical evidences strongly point to that possibility, especially as we move towards the close of the era. In fact, well-informed world leaders and renowned scientists are the ones saying the end could even be here earlier than we would want to contemplate!
As members of the world community therefore, I believe we should be interested in what is happening around us. And so we may ask; Is there really danger? Is there sufficient cause for the on-going global alarm? Is life on earth actually threatened? Is it scientifically possible for the world to come to an end someday? If truly there is danger, what then should we do?
These are some of the things we shall consider in this writing, so that, at the end, we all shall have been better informed. We would then be in a better position to choose the best possible line of action in the prevailing circumstances and be prepared to defend our actions.
Some of the things you will read in this book had appeared in my earlier book, A Day of Darkness. The repetition here is intended for emphasis.
And so to the question; IS THERE REALLY DANGER?
Will there be any tomorrow?
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