From Dr. David Jeremiah’s online devotion for Friday, April 7, 2023:
“I read of a man wandering through an art gallery in Glasgow, Scotland. He saw a boy gazing intently at a painting. It was a depiction of the crucifixion of Christ.
After watching him a moment, the man went over and asked, ‘Young fellow, what is that picture about?’ The boy said, ‘Why, sir, don’t you know? It’s our Lord dying on the cross. He’s bearing our sins.’
The man smiled and nodded, then continued his stroll through the gallery looking at other paintings. Suddenly he felt a tug at his sleeve. It was the boy. ‘Pardon me, sir. I have forgotten one thing. He is not dead anymore. He’s alive!’”
Jesus promised on the night before he went to the cross, “If you really love me, you will keep the commandments I have given you and I shall ask the Father to give you Someone else to stand by you, to be with you always. I mean the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, for it can neither see nor recognise that Spirit. But you recognise him, for he is with you now and will be in your hearts. I am not going to leave you alone in the world—I am coming to you. In a very little while, the world will see me no more but you will see me, because I am really alive and you will be alive too. When that day comes, you will realise that I am in my Father, that you are in me, and I am in you.” John 14. (The New Testament in Modern English, J.B. Phillips)
Jesus kept his promise and He is keeping His promise still. Happy Easter!!!!