
Out of The Shadow A YOUTH CLASSIC By Yemi Bankole in Epub


Out of The Shadow A YOUTH CLASSIC By Yemi Bankole in Epub

A close study of the teenage life shows it could be likened to weeds in the hands of the wind or a moss carried along by the wave and tide of the sea. At times, the lives of the young people flicker like a candle light battling with the breeze of time. This has deprived a good number of them a specific station in life with regard to where they stand. Not only that, it has made them hardly have a destination of their own. The result of all of these is that many youths have their dreams placed in the hands of another;



Out of The Shadow A YOUTH CLASSIC By Yemi Bankole in Epub

A close study of the teenage life shows it could be likened to weeds in the hands of the wind or a moss carried along by the wave and tide of the sea. At times, the lives of the young people flicker like a candle light battling with the breeze of time. This has deprived a good number of them a specific station in life with regard to where they stand. Not only that, it has made them hardly have a destination of their own. The result of all of these is that many youths have their dreams placed in the hands of another; they have a future left to be designed by strange designers, with a career mindset that lacks a fiber to deliver the goods. A life of this kind promises living, but not sincere existence. It makes a man get lost in the maddening crowd of all Toms and Jerry. That is why many born-great youths are ending up as Lilliput and great stars keep wandering in the maze of low self discovery? Come-on youths, awake! It’s time we got out of the shadow! READ FULL TEXT IN CHAPTER 1


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