
Press Release – Find Out the Secret key that Unlocks God’s Transforming grace for Change Action In You and Me! ALARM Included!

Press Release – Find Out the Secret key that Unlocks God’s Transforming grace for Change Action In You and Me! ALARM Included!

#90DaysMatthew610GlobalPrayer #Pursuits #Commitment #SeatofTheSoul #SubconsciousMind #SubconsciousProgramming #Shine #PressRelease #Secret #Prayer #Grace #Transformation #Key #Change #Action #Destiny #Purpose #Plans #Receive #Reject #Monologue #Dialogue #Conversation #Pride #arrogance #humility #GodsPromise

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Date: Tuesday, November 17th, 2020

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Expanded Heading: Find Out the Secret key in the Prayer of Commitment During the 90 Days Matthew 6:10 Global Prayer and Fasting for the World that Unlocks God’s Transforming grace for Change Action In You and Me! ALARM Included – 48 of 90 Days!

Press Release : Find Out the Secret key that Unlocks God’s Transforming grace for Change Action In You and Me! ALARM Included!
Press Release: Find Out the Secret key that Unlocks God’s Transforming grace for Change Action In You and Me! ALARM Included!

Friends, I was prompted by the Spirit to share this secret key in the prayer of commitment with those who have taken the time to humble themselves in waiting on Him in this Matthew 6:10 prayer and fasting program or any other program for that matter. I will present this secret Prayer of Commitment that unlocks transforming grace for change action in you and me after a short scriptural illumination below – Use this secret in the prayer of commitment in Matthew 6:10 as led, adapt it to your own specific situations and circumstances as you are led by His Spirit in you in Jesus name, amen

Oh, Thank God for my wife – She is my proofreader and adviser – God bless her really well! So, for the fully corrected and sanitized copy of the last post of Thursday – Day 43 – Shine with Impact where it matters + A Word for the Bride of Christ, please visit the website via this link – https://www.otakada.org/shine-with-impact-where-it-matters-the-3-types-of-miracle-keys-money-dream-and-forgiveness-keys-1213-and-14/

Before giving out this secret key, let us look at the nexus between Commitment, Subconscious Mind Programming, God’s Grace and Our Corresponding Actions.

Remember, God only permits Himself to release His grace when we are humble enough to commit to doing what we know in our own strength and abilities we are unable to do. This is faith that moves God to action on our behalf. The language of commitment is the language of the subconscious mind, where the will and emotions that trigger our controllable and uncontrollable actions reside – The Seat of the Soul. When we make a Commitment, it reprograms the subconscious mind- One commitment at a time, dismantling old beliefs, emotions, thoughts that lead to wrong unscriptural actions. Read and Meditate with me James 4:1-7; Romans 12:1-3

Here they are:

James 4:1-7

The Passion Translation

Living Close to God

4 What is the cause of your conflicts and quarrels with each other? Doesn’t the battle begin inside of you as you fight to have your own way and fulfill your own desires? 2 You jealously want what others have so you begin to see yourself as better than others. You scheme with envy and harm[a] others to selfishly obtain what you crave—that’s why you quarrel and fight. And all the time you don’t obtain what you want because you won’t ask God for it! 3 And if you ask, you won’t receive it for you’re asking with corrupt motives,[b] seeking only to fulfill your own selfish desires. 4 You have become spiritual adulterers who are having an affair, an unholy relationship with the world. Don’t you know that flirting with the world’s values places you at odds with God? Whoever chooses to be the world’s friend makes himself God’s enemy!

5 Does the Scripture mean nothing to you that says, “The Spirit that God breathed into our hearts is a jealous Lover who intensely desires to have more and more of us”?[c]

6 But he continues to pour out more and more grace[d] upon us. For it says,

God resists you when you are proud
but continually pours out grace when you are humble.”[e]

7 So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run away from you.


Romans 12:1-3

The Transforming Power of the Gospel

12 Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.

2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you,[a] but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.

Your Proper Role in the Body of Christ

3 God has given me grace to speak a warning about pride. I would ask each of you to be emptied of self-promotion and not create a false image of your importance. Instead, honestly assess your worth by using your God-given faith as the standard of measurement, and then you will see your true value with an appropriate self-esteem.

Now, Here is an ALARM – VERY IMPORTANTWhen next you read and meditate on God’s word, make a commitment to do something from what you sense the Holy Spirit is drawing your attention to. If it is a sermon, make a commitment on what the Holy Spirit is putting His finger on. If it is a revelation during a prayer and fasting period and the Holy Spirit releases an actionable item to you, RECEIVE IT and make a commitment to obey. This action of yours sends a message to your real self, God, people around you, and the devil that you mean business. It does not mean you can do it. It means you have committed to doing it as God releases grace unto you. You will certainly be tested in that area and the Holy Spirit and Your subconscious will alert you, then as you are willing, despite the difficulty, God who sees the heart releases grace to you to keep the commitment you have made.

Also, we PRAY a lot and we fast a lot in monologue prayers to God. I ask people, “You have prayed and fasted on a matter, so, What did God tell you about the matter?”. 9 out of 10 people have no answer. We do not dialogue with God, we think God is a theory or of old or we are not qualified to have God speak back to us. How further from the truth can that be? When we dialogue, we know when He has answered – When we have prayed and made our request, we wait for Him to respond. We ask Him to speak to us concerning the issue we have presented to Him. We are too much in a hurry and we run off the place of prayer and intimacy before the Lord has the time to respond to us. He does respond but our sensory receptors are just too busy. Our minds are too busy that we can’t decode His voice. Sometimes, we know He has answered but we do not know how to RECEIVE what God has already released to us in the realm of the Spirit.

Until we say, “I RECEIVE what I have asked for according to Your will and purpose for my life,” the answer remains hanging in the realm of the spirit and gets returned undelivered. Hope delayed, makes the heart sick, and complaining set in. Then the package gets returned as quickly as our complaints mount up before God and the accuser sets to work on our case.

The word, “I RECEIVE” releases the answer into the physical realm – It might be immediate, it might take a week, a month, nine months, or 7 years but we will have the assurance He has heard- From then own, we begin to praise and thank Him because we already have it- just not in our experience yet. Many scriptural examples abound plenty. Mary, upon hearing the impossible thing God wanted to do through her, she said, “Be it unto me according to Your word.” – Luke 1:38 and When David received the message from the Lord through the prophet Nathan concerning building a house for God and God’s promises concerning David’s dynasty, hear David’s response to this prophetic message in 1 Chronicle 17:23 – “Therefore now, O Lord, let the word which You have spoken concerning Your servant and his house endure forever, and do as You have said.

For some of us, some of our seemingly unanswered prayers could just be this missing link of receiving what the Lord has said. Have you seen anything in the spirit realm that got you disturbed and you discerned this is not God’s plan for you? reject it, reject it from your heart, not your head. Your receiving and rejecting has to be connected with your spirit for effectiveness.

Read and meditate on this scripture – Ephesians 6:18 hereunder and focus on the word “spirit.” Most of the time, our prayer requests are not connected with our spirit. They are connected with our flesh – our head or mind. One of the ways prayers can become red hot is when we continue to pray about that issue until it moves from our head to our heart and ignites a desire that only God can fill. God is only permitted to feed spiritually hungry people. If it is not important for you to the point where you do nothing, then it certainly will not be important to God. How else can you glorify Him if He does it when it means nothing to you? – Think about that for a moment. Also, read Jeremiah 29:11-14 hereunder and focus on the word “seek and search.” Notice the intensity even when it is in God’s plan and purpose. We have to pursue with our spirit connected to God’s plans and purposes to manifest here on earth. That was what Daniel did and got answers during the 21 days fast in referencing the above scripture.

Ephesians 6:18

Amplified Bible

18 With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all [a]God’s people.

Jeremiah 29:11-14

Amplified Bible

11 For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12 Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. 13 Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 14I will be found by you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’

Personal story in Learning to Receive and letting go of Pride in Me.

I remember a time in our walk with the Lord where we felt our assignment or purpose in life was to fund God’s kingdom work on the mission field as the main focus and we had several missionaries on our payroll but when God began to move us into the centre of His will for our lives – After we began to ask Him to put us in the centre of His will, the brook dried up. Our finances dried up and we did not even know how to ask others for help. We knew how to give but we did not know how to ask and receive. God took us through a process to knock our rotten pride out of our lives for good. Elijah had to ask to share in the last meal from a widow and her son – How humbling could that be for a powerful man of God in the middle of a 3-year famine in the land after His last source of supply dried up at the brook?

This is the message-

Our miraculous provision is usually not in the place of prideful display of arrogance but in the humble place of humility. – The Holy Spirit just dropped that in my spirit for someone – Receive it in Jesus name, Amen.

My promise concerning the 90 days fast:

I have made a promise to God and myself by His help, that I am not coming out of this 90 days prayer and fasting the way I went in, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. You do the same. No one engages God and remains the same and your story will not be different. Put your whole heart and mind focused on God and what He wants from you and see the salvation of the Lord manifest all around you in Jesus name, Amen

Now, let us go to the commitment in

Matthew 6:10

The Passion Translation

10 Manifest your kingdom realm,[a]
and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth,
just as it is fulfilled in heaven.

I love this translation – Manifest your kingdom realm, cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth just as it is fulfilled in heaven. What a sweet prayer to pray – Dead to ones on desires and we align to God’s own desires for our realms which were already there before we set foot on this troubling planet of ours. Too many choices to make but only one choice is His will and our assignment is to find and align our lives to that one singular choice. In making that one right choice, we have to get out of the flesh and get into the spirit by crucifying the flesh and depriving it of its cravings – the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. That is one of the reasons we fast. When we fast, our spirit comes alive and our flesh takes backstage.

Now, the Secret key is hidden in the commitment below – Read, Digest, and Apply as lead:

Prayer of Commitment to Matthew 6:10 that unlocks Gods transforming grace for Change Action in You and Me

Dear Father God, I am willing – I not only have a willing mind but from my heart, my spirit – I have a willing spirit!

I will to do YOUR will – To follow YOUR plan. Though it may be hard on the flesh, though there may be a cost, I will pay the price and I will do YOUR will. I will follow YOUR plan. YOUR will shall be accomplished in my life, and YOUR plan shall be perfected in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

I will not drawback. I will not go back on the words I have spoken here and throughout this prayer and fasting period, the things You have illuminated to me concerning myself, my family, YOUR body of believers, my nation and my world in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

No matter what it may seem to cost. No matter how much it may seem to hurt, I know the rewards are great and that it pays to obey You, Lord God.

Thank You for working in my life. Thank You for preparing me for that which You have prepared for me. Thank You for showing me, telling me, and leading me into what I see not, hear not, or do not act upon before now in Jesus name, Amen

Thank You for teaching me these things which I know not. Thank You for preparing me for that which You have prepared for me before the foundation of the earth. The glory You gave me before the foundation of the earth was put in place, I call forth so I can be the salt and the light You have commanded me to be. Your will, I will do- Not by power, not by might but by the powerful and inner working of YOUR Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the grave and is now, right now seated at YOUR right hand in Glory – Hallelujah!

I purpose to be faithful, to be true, to be dedicated, to be consecrated – Not just throughout the 90 days of prayer and fasting but for all eternity, not just in word but in action. And tomorrow, next week, and next year, 2021, 2022, 2023, and beyond.

I am YOURS. Use me, oh, Lord. Make me a blessing to humanity – Especially to YOUR body of believers You have specifically sent me to at this time in eternity. May YOUR plan and purpose for my life and ministry be perfected in me. And it is You, My God, God our Father who is at work in me. I yield to You. I trust in You, and I will not allow my natural mind to dominate me.

I refuse not to be led by the pattern and mindset and systems of this world but by what You say, What You show, what steps You are taking even right now and through this pilgrimage journey and in all eternity.

I will maintain the vision. I will maintain the GLOW. I will maintain the commitment to be all that You have called me to be and to do. And I will not forget – With You, I will go and according to

James 4:6,7 (Paraphrased and personalized) But He gives me – Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe more and more strength to stand against all such evil longings. As the scripture says, God gives strength to the HUMBLE but sets Himself against the proud and haughty – I am not proud and haughty so I receive grace from my heavenly Father today and always. I, Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe submit to You, Lord God, I resist the devil in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Also in Isaiah 40:31 (Paraphrased and personalized) I, Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe that waits upon You Lord, my strength is renewed. I mount up with wings like eagles; I am running and I weary not; I am walking and I faint not in Jesus name, Amen.

As I continue to do this in all humility, release the needed grace unto me both now and into eternity.

I receive the keys to the kingdom in all five (5) realms to root out and to pull down. To establish by divine decree as YOUR priest and king here on earth all YOUR predetermined counsel concerning the five (5) realms in Jesus name, Amen

PS – This is my commitment. What is Yours? You can make use of this, adapt it to your situation or circumstance, expand and share wide to those who will also benefit in the Matthew 6:10 mandate for 2020 which covers into 2023 and beyond. All of Gods promises are bankable and redeemable only when Matthew 6:10 is aligned with our lives. Don’t make this commitment once. Continue to use it until it moves into your spirit.


Monday Ogwuojo Ogbe

E-Discipleship at Otakada.org

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